About the Founder
Lt. DR. P. S. LORIN (Educationist & Social Activist) (November 1, 1953 – May 31, 2021) Dr. P.S. Lorin’s educational journey began from Phenshunyu Village, after which he went to Shillong for his graduation at St. Edmund’s College. He completed his MA (Political Science) from Delhi University and MPhil (International Legal Studies) at JNU, New Delhi. He then secured a Full Bright Scholarship from the United States – India Educational Foundation to pursue his PhD (Higher Education) at Southern Illinois University(SIU), Carbondale, Ill, USA and also completed MS (Community Development) from SIU. Dr. P.S. Lorin was an active Social Activist as a member in many organisations – Forum for Naga Reconciliation, Founding Convener, Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights, President, Naga Students’ Union Delhi, Advisor, Rengma Hoho, President, Rengma Students’ Union, Member, Governing Body, North East Zone Cultural Centre. In the field of education his engagements include President, Nagaland College Principals’ Forum; President, Nagaland Private College Principals’ Association; Principal, Alder College, Kohima; Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, North Eastern Hill University; Member, Executive Council, Nagaland University; Member, High Powered Committee on Higher Education, Government of Nagaland; Member, Governing Council, Northeast Christian University; Member, Board of Studies, Patkai Christian College (Autonomous); Member, State Level Quality Assurance Coordination Committee -Nagaland; Member Coordinator, Peer Team, National Assessment and Accreditation Council. He also served as the President, Council of Rengma Baptist Church Council. In 1994 he established Tetso College and passed away as the Founder and Principal Emeritus of Tetso College.