It gives me immense joy to learn that Tetso College is celebrating 25th anniversary in the first week of November 2020. On attaining this remarkable milestone, with a thankful heart to our Almighty God, I sincerely convey warm greetings and blessings of the Council of Rengma Baptist Churches in Jesus’ name.
Tetso college is indeed a success story! This is definitely the doing of the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes. Within a span of 25 years, Tetso has spiral up to a commendable level of progression. It has scaled up to its maximum potential to deliver quality education and has geared up with all it takes to be a model university. It is quite palpable that Tetso has relentlessly worked so hard to build a conducive environment to nurture passionate learners and prospective citizens. I can confidently assert that Tetso is one of the most progressive colleges in the whole North East states and beyond. We are indeed proud to be part of the Vision ‘To create a positive impact in the world’ and the Mission ‘To empower people toward life-long excellence’. We pray that Tetso will continue to persistently grow from strength to strength to be the light and a model in the academic sphere. Be assured that prayers of churches are behind the college.
Heartiest congratulations to the Principal, staff, students and the entire Tetso family on attaining this significant landmark in educational mission. I sincerely wish this 25th anniversary celebration a grand success for God’s glory.