It is a pleasure to learn that Tetso College is Celebrating its 25th Anniversary on 4th December, 2020. I heartily congratulate the College fraternity for completing 25 years in striving for excellence in the field of education.
The laudable performance and growth of the institute from its humble beginning is truly a manifestation of God’s love. As an alumni, I have experienced and have credentials of the role played by the institute in empowering and moulding up numerous responsible individuals for our society.
Embracing education is not merely acquiring knowledge and a degree but it must inculcate in the learner, imbibing positive attitude and values of life. Swami Vivekananda quoted that, ‘We need a life-building, human-making and character building education’. Therefore, I implore upon the students community to seek a holistic education which will prepares us to meet the challenges of life and excellence academically.
I am confident that the College with its mission, ‘To empower people towards life-long excellence’, will strive for higher achievements. May this Celebration mark the journey of a million milestone in imparting excellent education and in building a prospective future. I pray that the College will progress ahead to become one of the best educational institute for our society.