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I am delighted to know that Tetso College, Dimapur (Nagaland) is going to celebrate its 25th anniversary virtually in the first week of November, 2020. 

25 years’ journey in the annals of an educational institution is a major milestone and a solemn occasion for review and reflection. The role of education can hardly be overstated in the transformation of a society and the nation. Tetso College was established in 1994 with the vision ‘To create a positive impact in the world’ and the mission ‘To empower people towards life-long excellence’.

It gives me immense pleasure that the college has secured several gold medals in the Nagaland University Examination and has consistently produced good results. It is heartening to note that the college is also publishing a souvenir to mark the occasion. I believe that the souvenir will cover the glorious journey of the institution by capturing the memorable moments and will roll out its vision to meet the challenges and requirements of the 21 si century as an institution of excellence. 

Our government, led by the visionary and inspiring leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, is acclaimed for enunciating public policies and implementing them following the principle of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’. There has been a long felt need for bringing a new National Education Policy over the last three decades and up which was accentuating as the years rolled by with the arrival disruptive technologies, pernicious consequences of climate change, depleting natural resources, the widening hiatus between the educated unemployed and the dearth of employable persons, extremely stressful examination system, inability of the extant education system to imbue the students with Indian ethics and constitutional morality, the felt need for promoting cognitive capacities and critical thinking in the students and the need to make education inclusive and accessible and capable of meeting the aspirational needs of the 21 si century. 

It is in this backdrop that the much awaited NEP has been brought out after 34 years and was prepared and announced after extensive countrywide deliberations. It is a holistic, comprehensive, lofty, futuristic and yet pragmatic, broad based and flexible, inclusive and grounded in equity and justice and, above all, catalytic in content. Once implemented, it will secure the future of our new generations, meet their aspirational needs and transform India into a global knowledge hub. 

I take this opportunity to congratulate the principal, the vice principal, the teachers, the students and other staff of the college on this memorable occasion and wish them all round growth and development.