On behalf of the UNITY VILLAGE COUNCIL and all its members I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the TETSO COLLEGE on achieving the milestone of celebrating your 25tl\ year anniversary. It is indeed a great joy to share your legitimate happiness and sense of pride.
Indeed, 25 years is worth celebration as it represents your solidarity, as well as a felicitation of the perceptiveness of the pioneers and all the past staff of the college who had invested their tireless efforts, will power and belief in God to make this college and its works an instrument of advancement.
In the strength of the glorious past that is yours and with a sense of legitimate pride, you can look in to the future with confidence as you forge ahead. May god give you clear vision of your mission and all that involves younger generation to step into the 21st century and may TETSO COLEGE continue to empower people towards lifelong excellence. I wish the celebration all success.