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About This Course

  • Prepare students to develop critical thinking to carry out investigation about various socio-economic issues objectively while bridging the gap between theory and practice.

  • Equip the student with skills to analyse problems, formulate an hypothesis, evaluate and validate results and draw reasonable conclusions thereof.

  • Prepare students for pursuing research or careers that provide employment through entrepreneurship and innovative methods.

  • Prepare students to develop own thinking /opinion regarding current national or international policies and issues.

Programme Outcomes

  • Understanding the basic assumptions in various economic theories and enhance capabilities of developing ideas based on them.

  • Prepare and motivate students for research studies in Economics especially by developing questionnaire, collecting primary data through field surveys.

  • Provide knowledge of a wide range of econometric techniques using excel or other statistical software.

  • Motivate students in preparing for various competitive examinations, NET, SET, Indian Economic Service etc., by developing or gaining value addition day by day by giving assignments, by following a routine or developing discipline/concentration etc.

Discover a comprehensive overview of the semester-wise papers and detailed syllabi for this course. Gain insights into the core subjects, electives, and practical components that will shape your academic journey.

Semester 1

1. Introductory Microeconomics (Core)


2. Mathematical Methods for Economics – I 4 (Core)


Semester 2

1. Introductory Macroeconomics (Core)


2. Mathematical Methods for Economics – II (Core)


Semester 3

1. Intermediate Microeconomics – I (Core)


2. Statistical Methods for Economics (Core)


Semester 4

1. Intermediate Microeconomics – II (Core)


2. Intermediate Macroeconomics – I (Core)


Semester 5


Semester 6

1. Development Economics I (Core)


2. Public Economics (Core)


3. International Economics (Core)


4. ---- (Core)
