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About This Course

  • To equip students with a foundational understanding of sociological theories, concepts, and the historical development of the discipline.

  • To develop students’ ability to critically analyse and interpret social phenomena using qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

  • To foster the application of sociological perspectives to contemporary social issues, promoting informed and ethical decision-making.

  • To enhance students’ skills in sociological writing, argumentation, and presentation, preparing them for professional and academic careers.

  • To cultivate an appreciation for cultural diversity and global interconnections, encouraging a commitment to social justice and community engagement.

Programme Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of sociological theories, concepts, and frameworks, enabling them to analyze and interpret social phenomena critically.

  • Students will possess the skills to design and conduct sociological research using appropriate qualitative and quantitative methodologies, data collection techniques, and analytical tools.

  • Students will be able to apply critical and creative thinking to evaluate social issues, policies, and practices, integrating theoretical knowledge with empirical evidence.

  • Students will able to communicate sociological insights effectively, both orally and in writing, to diverse audiences, demonstrating proficiency in academic and professional discourse.

Discover a comprehensive overview of the semester-wise papers and detailed syllabi for this course. Gain insights into the core subjects, electives, and practical components that will shape your academic journey.

Semester 1

1. Introduction to Sociology - I (Core)


2. Sociology of India - I (Core)


Semester 2

1. Introduction to Sociology-II (Core)


2. Sociology of India-II (Core)


Semester 3

1. Political Sociology (Core)


2. Sociology of Religion (Core)


Semester 4

1. Sociology of Gender (Core)


2. Economic Sociology (Core)


Semester 5


Semester 6

1. Sociological Research Methods-I (Core)


2. Sociological Thinkers-II (Core)


3. Sociological Research Methods-II (Core)


4. Urban Sociology (Core)
