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People Menu

  • Rupin Sharma (IPS)

    Rupin Sharma (IPS)

    DG Prisons, Homeguards, Civil Defence and SDRF

    Salvete 2021: Freshers Day

  • Dr. Paul Pimomo

    Dr. Paul Pimomo

    Emeritus Professor, Central Washington University

    3rd Graduation 2021

  • Medo Yhokha

    Medo Yhokha

    Advisor, Technical Education & Elections, Nagaland

    25th Anniversary Celebrations

  • Dr. Dolly Kikon

    Dr. Dolly Kikon

    Senior Lecture, University of Melbourne

    2nd Graduation 2020

  • Dr. Mego Haralu

    Dr. Mego Haralu

    Former Dean, Campbellsville University, Kentucky, USA

    DOT Talks: Leadership Theory and Organization Management

  • Dr. Kethoser Aniu Kevichusa

    Dr. Kethoser Aniu Kevichusa

    Speaker and Trainer, RZI Ministries

    DOT Talks: Excellence in the Workplace

  • Dr. Akum Longchari

    Dr. Akum Longchari

    Publisher, The Morung Express

    Young Indians (Yi) 11th Annual Session

  • Temjen Imna Along

    Temjen Imna Along

    Minister, Higher Education and Tribal Affairs, Nagaland

    Salvete 2019: Freshers’ Day

  • Dr. Tuisem A Shishak

    Dr. Tuisem A Shishak

    Founder and Principal Emeritus, Patkai Christian College

    1st Graduation 2019

  • Dr. Theyiesinuo Keditsu

    Dr. Theyiesinuo Keditsu

    Feminist Poet, Writer and Educator

    DOT Talks: We Speak With Our Clothes